
Therapeutic Exercise

Therapeutic exercise is a key component in rehabilitation for almost every orthopedic injury. While manual therapy techniques often assist in a fast reduction of pain, the results you achieve from therapeutic exercise will provide lasting pain relief and restore your function back to your prior level and beyond.

Why is it important that your therapeutic exercise is prescribed by your physical therapist?

Physical therapists are highly trained in the biomechanics of human movement and exercise prescription.

Just because you see a cool new glute exercise on Instagram does not mean it is right for you if you were told you need to “strengthen your glutes.” And when your hip flexors feel tight, stretching might not be the answer.

Your physical therapist at Flowstate Physiotherapy has the knowledge and skill set to prescribe the appropriate exercise, volume of exercise, and type of muscle contraction and duration all based on the individual, the specific injury, the healing time frame, and the type of tissue involved.

Having an individualized therapeutic exercise program allows you to regain strength and mobility without causing damage. The physical therapists at Flowstate Physiotherapy are Doctors of Physical Therapy. They have the highest level of understanding of orthopedic injuries and the best exercise type and dose.

Your physical therapist will use the most up-to-date evidence-based research to determine the best exercises to target specific structures involved in your injury and to choose the exercises that will best enhance performance for your specific sport.

Will therapeutic exercise make me sore or hurt worse?

Exercise should not increase your pain or make your injury worse. However, muscle soreness and achiness or fatigue is a normal and expected response from starting a new exercise program. These symptoms should not last more than 24-48 hours and should not increase the pain you are seeking help for.

If you do have an increase in pain following exercise, contact your physical therapist immediately so they can address it and modify your treatment plan.